Meet Model D's new development news editor
Model D staff |
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
Last month we bid a fond farewell to Nicole Rupersburg, who left her Detroit dev news beat behind to take on a fulltime food writing gig in Las Vegas.
The good news is that we shouldn't miss a beat during the transition to a new development new editor. Rupersburg and managing editor Walter Wasacz met with MJ Galbraith in mid-December and deemed him an ideal fit for the job.
If the name sounds familiar you might recognize it from his byline in our sister
Urban Innovation Exchange publication, where he has penned profiles on
Rachel Lutz,
Ritchie Harrison and
Joel Peterson, among others. Galbraith has also contributed stories to the University Research Corridor, Workforce Intelligence Network, and Mode Shift. He's a 2005 graduate of Central Michigan University, where he received a BS in English (concentrating on creative writing and fiction).
Galbraith is also a singer-songwriter who has performed in area coffee houses, pubs and music venues, including the Lager House and the Old Miami.
Welcome to the party, MJ. If you have a development news tip for Galbraith, drop him a line