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Summer in the City ends season by painting huge mural on Crowell Community Center

Summer in the City

Summer in the City

Summer in the City

Summer in the City

Summer in the City

Summer in the City

Summer in the City

On Friday, August 14, the forecast called for rain, but that didn't stop 1,200 people from showing up at the Crowell Community Center in northwest Detroit to put in an honest day's work as a part of Summer in the City's annual Finale Friday. The weather turned out to be resplendent (it never rains on Summer in the City) as over 600 campers (from both Summer in the City and Detroit Recreation Department programs), kids and families from the neighborhood, volunteers, and Summer in the City alumni painted an approximately 8,500-square-foot mural selected by Model D readers on the walls of the community center.
Oh, and there were all sorts of fun and games and food, too. Summer in the City gave away 500 backpacks to campers, each including a treasure map that lead them to activities throughout the park where school supplies were given away. A dozen junior volunteers (former Summer in the City campers who are growing into leadership positions in the organizations) were presented with their very own laptop computers, which they earned through their service to their community.
And the Crowell Community Center now has a fresh look that will last for years to come. Check out an awesome, huge photo of the volunteers and their final product here.
Not ready for summer to be over? Neither is Summer in the City. Before it begins its 10-month "off season," the organization will hold a back to school celebration in Clark Park on Saturday, August 29 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Per usual, everyone's invited.
Learn more at summerinthecity.com.
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