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Grubbable connects locally sourced food with local customers

Click on Grubbable's website and three words stick out: "eat with purpose."

The 1-year-old tech startup helps people looking to eat out find the best restaurant that serves locally sourced food. Then they can know that fruits and vegetables and other ingredients in the food they are eating is made in the most sustainable way possible.

"We love eating good food," says Michael Feng, president of Grubbable. "But it's really hard to find restaurants serving locally grown ingredients."

The idea behind this sort of ethical eating is that most food served the U.S. is shipped over long distances, such a leafy greens from California or fruits from Central and South America. By eating locally grown foods, consumers knows that they are helping maximize the impact on the local economy and preventing pollution from long shipping distances.

The Villages-based startup and its team of three co-founders just released an app that helps local consumers make these connections. Grubbable is currently featuring seven eateries in the city on its app and is partnering with 70 restaurants across the region that it will add to the app later this year. Users can download the app for free or become members and pay a $4 monthly subscription for enhanced services, such as discounts on food at all participating restaurants.

"It's kind of like a Diners Club," Feng says.

Source: Michael Feng, president of Grubbable
Writer: Jon Zemke

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