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Lentine Group renovates Woodbridge building into office for 150 new jobs

The Lentine Group of businesses is making a homecoming of sorts to Detroit, bringing 150 new jobs to Woodbridge and expectations of another 50 hires.

"We just love being in the city," says Anthony Lentine, vice president of LeCom and Golden Dental Plans. "There is a real buzz in the city. It's a fun place to be."

The Lentine Group consists of LeCom Communications, LeCom Utility Contractors, Golden Dental Plans Marketing and UnionCircle.com. It has recently renovated a commercial building on Trumbull Avenue just north of I-94. That building is now the home to 100 jobs that were moved from the suburbs into the Motor City and another 50 hires. Lentine Group expects to hire another 50 people in the coming months.

"There is a lot of room there," Lentine says. "By the end of the year we expect to have 200 people working there."

Lentine's father built the structure on Trumbull in 1986 for an ambulance business the family once owned. Now the Lentine Group has invested $250,000 in renovating the building, including adding new fiberoptic lines in what Lentine describes as a "general upgrade to the property."

"It's really in an excellent location for our business," Lentine says. "It will reduce the travel time for our employees."

Source: Anthony Lentine, vice president of LeCom and Golden Dental Plans
Writer: Jon Zemke

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