Model D Speaker Series: Creative cities, the next generation
Model D staff |
Sunday, August 25, 2013
The future of our cities depends on imaginative, forward-thinking leaders who can ask the right questions, think outside the box, and solve problems creatively. How are we teaching our children to imagine and innovate? How could we do better?
Join us Thursday, Aug. 22, 6 p.m. at
Henry Ford Academy: Elementary School in Detroit for a special dual-city conversation about the state of arts education in Detroit and Grand Rapids. We'll hear from innovative educators on both sides of the state who are pushing the needle to ensure our city kids are bright, inquisitive and ready to tackle the challenges of the future.
HFA: Elementary School is located at 10225 Third Street in the newly renovated Duane Doty Elementary School in Detroit’s North End community. This historic building is on the edge of the Boston-Edison District, just west of Woodward, between the Davison Freeway and Chicago Blvd. For a map & directions,
click here.
Follow along on Twitter: @modeld @rapidgrowth #CreativeEdMI